Meet The Authors


Janel Perez

Janel is an expert in childhood mental health with extensive experience in developmental milestones and family systems.  She holds a Masters in Professional Counseling and a Bachelor’s degree in Family and Child Development.  Janel has worked in early childhood for many years as a counselor, early childhood intervention specialist, and childcare trainer.

Janel is a lifelong Texan, born and raised in San Antonio.  The sudden loss of her father compelled her to devote her life to the emotional welfare of children.  Her desire for this book is to provide a sense of security and solace to the young reader struggling to cope with the world’s uncertainty.  Janel resides in Dallas with her loving husband, two sons and a dog.


Hayley Waring

Hayley is a graduate of Southern Methodist University where she studied Political Science and English, with a concentration in creative writing and poetry.  Her true passion lies in supporting early childhood development, specifically the emotional well-being of children.  She currently teaches pre-school in Dallas, Texas.

A native of New Orleans, Hayley was displaced by Hurricane Katrina and sees unique parallels between her childhood experiences and those of the children currently affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the sudden, unexpected disruption to daily life.  Her hope in authoring this book is to instill in the readers comfort in knowing they are not alone, understanding that trying experiences are part of life, confidence that such events shall pass, and courage to make each day the best it can be.